Desafio Mental

Posted on febrero 4, 2008. Filed under: Uncategorized |

Les dejo el link de un juego para que desarrollen su memoria =) yo he llegado hasta el nivel 12, intenten y me dicen que tal =)

Desafio Mental

«Simon’s a computer, Simon has a brain, you either do what Simon says or else go down the drain.»
You can hear sound of jaws hitting concrete as copywriters across the globe are stunned into amazement over that there Simon Says slogan from the mid ’80s.

The idea of the game is a simple one, as Simon likes to say.
Follow the pattern of lights and sounds for as long as you can remember them.
The lights show up faster the more sequences you correctly recall.
The obvious cheat is to write down each light in turn, but let’s pretend we can’t do that…

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Llegue hasta el Nivel 8 T_T

T_T ia nu pude mas!!

ai vas, no te rindas

You are so much like me, or i’m like you, well anyway, if we knew each other we’d make a good team,Keep up the GREAT work homie.

Te deje un meme, espero que lo veas… por lo menos para que ya cambies la entrada de tu blog!!

Hey chamaco… ya va siendo hora de que postees algo!!! jajajaja

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